Friday, March 26, 2010


I have never been a risk taker, sometimes I pretend I am but frankly, I am a giant scaredy cat! So when it comes down to me breaking down some walls that I love being around, God does some big things.

I am about to step out into faith this summer and live in a community full of so much brokenness, despair and hate. One friend has told me we will be 'setting up tents near the gates of hell'. This area is Kansas City, Kansas. A very dark place in my city. I found this place a couple of years ago through my program at UMKC-Institute of Urban Education. And really found God calling my to KCK last summer when he was nudging that area in my heart through a friend who I have recently met and told me about Mission Adelante.

So through this journey of seeing the work of the Lord in Mission Adelante, and seeing myself and Andrew put our hearts there, I have decided to become an intern!

I will be living in that area and sharing my life with the people in that community while they will be as well.

This is a big step of faith for me financially because this was the summer that I was planning on working a bunch to save up so I wouldn't have to work the next 2 semesters and I have to raise support for this trip, but I have decided that this is much bigger and God will provide.

Pray for my heart to be prepared, pray for grace, love and faith to be increased and for the lives that will be touched this summer with everything.

I am so excited!!