Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What is it about me?

I feel like I have had many seasons in my life. Many that represent who I am today and who I am no longer today.

I think I change so much and so often, its hard to pin point one general thing about that has remained constant all through these years.

That even includes my faith and my relationship with Christ, Daily I have to remind myself the truths that hold me together without letting my own personal thoughts and questions take over.

This past year has been a year of change and purging for me..purging, meaning cleaning out the things in my life that hold me back. First that was one of my jobs, a church, my church duties, a college ministry, etc. etc...yet, I have been able because of no longer doing those, I have been able to gain so much more: time for myself and my studies, a new and exciting ministry in KCK, discovering new passions that can potentially be long-term, a new church, and new group of people that even though its hard to feel included, I am thankful for them.

I am not a failure for giving up, I am not a failure for redoing my life. I am being obedient and seeing what the Lord has been calling me to do for a long time. Its a new season...I am ready to open up the door to see what it entails!

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